Why Participate in Self-Awareness Coaching?

For most of us, our natural strengths come less from physical differences and more from subtle aspects of our persona. Failure to understand these differences makes it hard for us to make good choices.

Discern Yourself

To “discern” is to recognize or identify as separate and distinct…to come to know or recognize…to see or understand the difference. Applied to oneself, this is the essence of self-awareness: to clearly understand yourself in relation to the world. 

It is hard to have a happy life and good career if you do not understand what makes you unique as a person. Imagine if Shaquille O’ Neal, the 7 foot and 300 pound NBA basketball player, had decided to invest in a career in gymnastics. All the practice in the world would not have made him world class. He had natural strengths in basketball. It’s a bad idea to force rabbits into swimming lessons! Let rabbits run, we get better results.

The essential benefit you can benefit you can expect from DiscernU is to know yourself much better and to be very clear about how to manage yourself to have a better career and life.

You will be much more confident in your assessment of what makes you unique and what this means for leveraging your strengths and managing your weaknesses. With this increased recognition of yourself, you are better able to choose environments and work that fit you best. You are also much better able to communicate your unique strengths in a more credible fashion after completing our process. In short, we offer a method to increase your self-awareness and ability to self-manage.

our Programs

Executive Coaching

Who can benefit from enhanced self-awareness because it helps them manage themselves better in work relationships and it helps them steer themselves into situations that leverage their natural strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.

Young professionals Coaching

Who can benefit from enhanced self-awareness because it helps them manage themselves better in work relationships and mitigate their weaknesses, but who also seek career direction. 

Student Coaching

Who can benefit from enhanced self-awareness because it helps them manage themselves better in work relationships and mitigate their weaknesses, but who are also wrestling with the question: what should I major in and which direction should I take with my early career steps?

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