Discernment, First step toward success

To discern is to “see and understand the difference.” Applied to oneself, this is the essence of self-awareness: to clearly understand your persona, strengths, weaknesses, motives and how you can best relate to the world around you. It is hard to have a happy life and good career if you do not understand what makes you unique as a person.

For most of us, our natural strengths come less from physical differences and more from subtle aspects of our persona. Failure to understand these differences makes it hard for us to make good choices. So we often follow the herd into a profession without really understanding who we are and what kinds of work and environments will produce gratification for us. Because we have only a vague idea of who we are and what is unique about us, we are easily influenced by the loud noise and competition for status among the racing herd. The results often lead to frustrating careers, low motivation and missed opportunities.

DiscernU is a coaching practice dedicated to intensely facilitating and accelerating self-awareness; that is, helping you become much clearer about who you are (personality, motive profile, interests, signature strengths, learned experiential patterns), how you differ from others and what this means for managing your life and your career. We serve Executives, Early Career Professionals, and College/Masters Students.

The testimonials on our website speak to the tremendous impact that our process and coaches have had on clients.

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